Gym has moved to Red Restrict

As everyone is probably aware of.... we will be moving into the red category of the "framework" set out by the Province....again I have included the announcement and a copy of what that framework looks like.

WRBA will be cancelling the Recreational Boxing Program (Jr and Sr) until further notice

Again, you can see that WRBA already had all these safety protocols in place except for one.... the number of athletes in the facility can only be 10...
When WRBA "re-opened" in September, we cut the sizes of our class with only one coach.... but it was a fine balance to ensure we could pay the bills at the end of the month.

I should emphasize, WRBA is a TRUE non-profit.... meaning no one receives any financial short...our coaches do not get paid and are all volunteers.

In this current phase, in order to remain open, we would have to split our senior class in half and our junior class in 3....that is increasing 6 classes a week to 15 classes a week....and that is difficult to ask our coaches to commit to...

We are currently working on a few different strategies that include creating small "bubbles" of 10 athletes just to stay active. I will try and sort out our current membership list into bubbles and let you know how that works out.

Please continue to check for updates, and in the interim...stay safe and stay healthy

Coach Rick

© 2025 WRBA Corp. Created by Karndeep Kahlon