WRBA Covid Update

Dear Waterloo Regional Boxing Family,

Thank you for supporting us through these challenging times. We are proud to inform you, that alongside Boxing Ontario, The City of Kitchener and Ontario Government, Waterloo Boxing Academy have been approved to reopen. Currently we have 50 members registered for the September Class and we will not be accepting any new members unless a current member drops out. This is it! This is our NEW Family!

As we continue the process of safely returning to training, Waterloo Boxing Academy will continue offering our Recreational Classes. Unfortunately, our Competitive program has been suspended until a safe return to a competition schedule is delivered by Boxing Ontario. We successfully launched the soft opening at our location in August, welcoming back some Boxing 101 athletes as well as last years REC/COMP group training under strict safety and sanitize protocols.

The Waterloo Boxing Academy facility cleaning protocols have been updated to include professional antiviral and antibacterial cleaning products to be used when giving the gym a deep clean each day and in between use of all equipment. All WRBA Coaches and Volunteers have undergone Boxing Ontario Safety Protocol Training and we will continue to ensure training focused on procedures and protocols to continually enhance your safety.

Again, we want to thank our WRBA Family who have continued their memberships for the upcoming year.

So...here are some basic reminders.

  • 1. If you are not feeling 100% – please STAY HOME. Waterloo Boxing Academy will ensure that Members and Staff are not feeling sick or have any symptoms (runny nose, cough, watering eyes) with a pre-visit screening.
  • 2. Must Be Registered. ...All training conducted at Waterloo Boxing Academy will require each athlete be registered in advance. To implement contact tracing, all registered athletes that enter the Waterloo Boxing Academy must ensure they sign in with the Coach.
  • 3. Class Sizes Reduced. New gym capacity and class size guidelines strictly following COVID-19 protocol.
  • 4. Arrive On Time, But Not More Than 5 Mins Early. Athletes must arrive on time, but not too early. Please show up no earlier than 5 minutes before class and exit the gym immediately following the class or session (staff require time to sanitize between sessions)
  • 5. Wear your Mask To Enter And Exit. Athletes must wear face coverings to enter and exit all Waterloo Boxing Academy. During physical exertion, it is allowed and recommended that all face coverings are removed.
  • 6. No Spectators. Waterloo Boxing Academy will require drop-off and pickup only. Due to social distancing procedures, we will not have a place for spectators or parents. All inquiries must be made via email.
  • 7. Bring Your Own Equipment. Waterloo Boxing Academy will not be providing shared use personal equipment. The list includes but is not limited to: boxing gloves, hand wraps, water bottles and skipping ropes. Athletes must take home all personal equipment to ensure proper cleaning of personal items.
  • 8. Keep Your Physical Distance. Social distance floor markers of 6ft will be used to maintain adequate gym spacing protocols. Each Member is spaced 2 meters apart on designated heavy bags. This will ensure Members maintain proper physical distance for the duration of the class. Athletes and staff are required to stick to toe taps & mental fist bumps! We ask that everyone limit their contact while in the Gym.
  • 9. Clean Everything You Come In Contact With. Additional cleaning solutions will be provided to aid in members wiping down equipment before and after the use of any common area or equipment.
  • 10.Limited Use Of Washrooms: Please come prepared to train, if you need a space for your bag, we will have specifically marked areas for bag drop off maintaining social distancing. Signs are posted in bathrooms showing proper hand-washing techniques and timing.
  • 11.Sanitize Your Hands. Hand-sanitizer stations are provided at all contact points. If you touch your face or anything that may spread bodily fluid, please reapply sanitizer.

Rick Cadilha

© 2025 WRBA Corp. Created by Karndeep Kahlon